This List Didn't Surprise Me. What Surprised me was some the facts.
1. Stockton, CA- Only 15% of the adults in the city has a college degree. I didn't think that was legal. I guess you got to expect the unexpected.

2.Memphis, TN-The sales tax is 9.3%. That's crazy on so many levels, you feel me. The biggest employer in the Memphis area is FedEx. That's crazy as hell.
3. Chicago, IL.- Chicago sales tax is 10.3%. Now that's just unacceptable. I wish I would.R.I.P Jennifer Hudson's mom, nephew, and brother. I cant believe they even thought about putting the Olympics there, and they still are.
4. Cleveland, OH- The most interesting thing about Cleveland besides the fact that they are on
First 48. Is the fact that they are the city to get the second largest amount of Snow. (BORING) But you should watch First 48 when they're on their.
5.Modesto, CA-This city unemployment rate is 16.7%. Also, the city has a very high car theft rate. Maybe they should base a Grand Theft Auto video game for this Amazing city. (SARCASM)
6. Flint, MI- This is my hometown(Just To Let You Know). The city has a very high crime rate, as well as unemployment rate. General Motors employs one-tenth of Flint's employees. I;m glad we moved, now I am just waiting on my family.
7. Detroit,MI-Like Mike Epps said it smell like(Some kind of food) And Gunpowder. Man, Detroit Lions did not win a single game this year. Shaking My Head. Whats amazing to me is the fact that Flint is more worse than Flint.
8.Buffalo, NY- This city gets 90 inches of snow a year. (Burrrrr) The population has been slowly decreasing since the mid-1990's. (Boring) RANDOM QUESTION-Why do they call them buffalo wings if its chicken?
9.Miami, FL-You wont believe it but, 26% of the mortgages in Miami are considered delinquent, or will be written off as bad debt. The violent crimes in the city are also very high.
10.St.Louis, MO-This city has no interesting facts, except it scored in the bottom half of the categories they needed to determine America's most miserable cities. (Thanks to Forbes.com)